+SwitchKites +Switchkites Team Riders
By queneseb
Condition :
Caribbean, sun, see, salt, warm, 12 to 17 knots.
Experimented rider, Own Element V1-V2-V3 - 13m², Nitro V2-V3 - 10m²,
Combat v1 v2 - 13m²,9m²
75 Kg with small board 130cm.
Style : Freestyle and Airstyle, level backmobe, 313,… board off
General :
I found that the kite respect what switch say, all terrain and versatile.
Very accessible, good power, Unhook hability, Hangtime hability, good speed
in the turn, surfer say that it turn great and stay stable in the windwindow.
Fast in the loop (Short circle) with medium power. Good relaunch in light wind and more.
For sure it's an all around kite !
Construction :
V3’s rules and material.
Incredible design with orange color, gray canopy (not full black), and a sort of gray+brown for the older white parts. People find it smart, "you have to wear a tie" say a good friend.
Guy on the beach was amazed about the construction and the finition. When you touch, it's easy to feel that canopy is better compare to the other version (V3’s rules
Biggest change is on the ear of the kite, angle is more “open” witch give to the kite a better relaunch hability and better turning speed (Maybe that’s why they don’t but the water relaunch assist).
Bar pressure :
Light feeling, main pressure is in the harness (front line). Quick response in the command. Feeling is closer to nitro than combat, pressure point is close to the trim compare to the combat witch is close to the chicken loop
Turning speed :
Better turning speed compare to Element2, ear profil is different. Loop circle is pretty small with medium power and good speed. If you look for full power in Kiteloop you should take a look to nitro and combat. Kite stay stable in the wind window in downloop and quick transition.
Upwind :
Good upwind hability despite a small board for the test (130cm), little bit better on nitrov3
Unhook hability :
Compare to the combat you have to pull 10cm on the trim to give to the kite all his unhook capacity. Pop is good, slack of the line is less compare to combat but still allow to make some pass
Boost/Hangtime :
I found a better feeling in Airstyle with 10cm of trim (like for unhook) because I like to have the power close to the chicken when I jump. Boost are correct and hangtime allow to make some oldschool tricks. For slide, E3 is just lovely !! Darkslide and jesus style are so easy to land, sooo smooth !
Relaunch Hability :
A must for relaunch, like “Pull and play”, kite relaunch in every position an quickly in light wind for a 13m². Best kite for sure for beginner who spend more time with their kite crashing in the water…
Switch really made it for all around, for guy’s who just wanna have one kite for different use, surf, freestyle, air style, freeride. This kite should be recommend for every rider because of a perfect accessibility, stability and relaunch. A must have for sure at low price
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